Assess the basic knowledge of hiv aids infection in our local antenatal population 评估本港孕妇对爱滋病爱滋病毒感染的基本认识
To equip children with knowledge of and skills at " protect yourself from hiv aids infection " 向儿童灌输知识和教导技巧,以防止感染爱滋病病毒爱滋病
To understand the prevalence of penicilliosis marneffei and its correlation with aids infection 认识玛尔内菲青徽菌症的发病率,以及与感染爱滋病的相互关系;
The report says that the main cause of rising aids infections in russia is illegal drug use 报告表明,俄罗斯艾滋病的感染者增长的主要原因是毒品的非法使用。
To empower them to take a proactive role in protecting themselves and their family members against hiv aids infection 增强她们的能力,以便她们积极保护自己及家人免受爱滋病病毒爱滋病感染
There are an estimated 76 , 000 children orphaned by the disease and half of china s new hiv and aids infections occur in children or young people 约有七万六千名儿童因家人患病成为孤儿。一半的新增感染者为儿童或青年。
Conclusion school reproductive health education should help students to keep reproductive health which can avoid hiv / aids infection 结论在大学生生殖健康教育中,应将促使学生继续保持生殖健康、避免可导致感染性病艾滋病的健康行为作为一个重要目标。
Assess the perceived risk of hiv aids infection and possible anxiety caused by the test in women attending our antenatal clinic ; investigate the acceptance of antenatal universal hiv screening ; and 评估在该院产科诊所就诊的孕妇自觉可能感染爱滋病爱滋病毒的机会,以及进行测试可能引起的焦虑
" the least progress has been made in sub - saharan africa , unfortunately , where there are problems of infrastructure , of conflict , of population growth rates , hiv / aids infection and so on , " he added 他说: “不幸的是,非洲撒哈拉以南地区的进步最小。这一地区在公用设施、武装冲突、人口增长、爱滋病传染等方面都存在着问题。 ”
This comprehensive plan will prevent 7 million new aids infections , treat at least 2 million people with life - extending drugs , and provide humane care for millions of people suffering from aids , and for children orphaned by aids 这一综合性计划将防止700万新的爱滋病感染病例发生,用延长生命的药物对至少200万人进行治疗,并为患有爱滋病的数百万人和因艾滋病沦为孤儿的儿童提供人道照顾。